Rust + VimWhen setting up my Vim environment for a new language, two necessary configurations I need are auto formatting and jump to definition…Oct 30, 2022Oct 30, 2022
Why the golang underscore struct field existsChances are if you’ve written some go or delved into a well-maintained go project, you’ve seen structs with an underscore field:Jun 6, 20212Jun 6, 20212
SQL slow query patternsgiven a composite index, make sure the order of your index is in line with your access pattern. you do not want the followingMay 11, 2021May 11, 2021
What the hell is PostgreSQL’s Bitmap Heap ScanIf you’ve ever seen something like this and wondered what the hell this means you’re in luck.May 10, 2021May 10, 2021
Python3: Given two sequences/iterators create a dictionaryzip() returns an iterator of tupes where the i-th tuple contains the i-th element from each of the argument sequences or iterators.Dec 6, 2020Dec 6, 2020
Vim: Jump to definition using GolangUsing tags is a powerful tool to be able to jump to the definition of a function, variable, or class in Vim. Install universal-ctags and…Dec 3, 2020Dec 3, 2020
go.mod, go.sum 101Most times when writing software, you use other software or as we call them “dependencies.” In golang, we may call that a collection of go…Nov 20, 2020Nov 20, 2020
Golang Channels, Chinese Finger TrapsLet’s take a look at an example from Google I/O talk given by Rob Pike. We see that a channel is used to hold values from various media…Nov 19, 2020Nov 19, 2020
Concurrency in Go: Using a channel to append to slicesAsynchronously wg.Wait(), so that the channel values are processed and appended to appropriate slices without waiting for all workers to…Nov 18, 20201Nov 18, 20201